Christie Thomas
Christie Thomas is a prominent voice and champion of family discipleship. She comes from a children’s ministry background with a particular passion for faith at home. Christie has founded a worldwide online ministry called Little Shoots, Deep Roots to encourage and equip parents to nurture faith in their kids. She teaches families how to implement tiny habits, while allowing God the time and space to grow deep faith roots in their kids. She manages an active online spiritual parenting community, is a speaker, and has authored several books. Christie is also a wife and homeschool mom of three boys.
Christie’s books currently include Quinn’s Promise Rock and Quinn Says Goodbye (Harvest House 2019), The Mother and Son Prayer Journal (Ulysses Press 2021), Fruit Full: 100 Family Experiences for Growing in the Fruit of the Spirit (Kregel 2022), Little Habits, Big Faith: How Simple Practices Help Your Family Grow in Jesus (NavPress 2024), and My First Devotional (Christian Art Gifts 2024, formerly Wise For Salvation).
Most recent project: My First Devotional: Meaningful Time with God for Little Ones (Christian Art Gifts, 2024)
Website: LittleShootsDeepRoots.com
Facebook: Christie Thomas | Little Shoots, Deep Roots
Instagram: @littleshootsdeeproots
YouTube: Bedtime Devo Mama
Represented by Karen Neumair